Developing Digital Literacies in Algorithmic Cultures

ECREA24 Post-Conference Webinar

What: an online conference organized by the TWG MLCC after the ECREA24 conference, in collaboration with the UNESCO MIL Alliance
Time: October 22, 2024, 1:00–4:00 PM CET (Central European time, see the time zone converter)
Place: virtual, link will be announced here – NB: All sessions will start in this room.
Parallel tracks: The parallel tracks will be carried out in breakout rooms. Please choose one track (1, 2, 3, 4). You will be allocated to the track room from the main room.
NB: The program below is preliminary and subject to changes.

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1:00–1:05 PM
Welcome by Maarit Jaakkola, TWG chair

1:05–1:30 PM
Keynote: TBA

1:30–1:35 PM
Instructions for the day


Teaching and learning digital practices

Track 1 (chair: Charmaine Voigt)
1:40–3:45 PM

1:40–2:00 PM
Laura Sūna & Dagmar Hoffmann, University of Siegen, Germany:
Transformative technologies in everyday life: Imaginaries, disruptive potential and the need for specific literacies
2:05–2:25 PM
Juliane Wegner, University of Rostock, Germany (et al.):
Navigating realities: Immersive learning environments in higher education – a case study
2:30–2:50 PM
Azul Romo Flores, Södertörn University, Sweden:
Learning to e-sport: A theoretical exploration of how learning occurs through competitive gaming
2:55–3:15 PM
Ana Kubrusly, NOVA University of Lisbon & Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal (et al.):
Big data literacy for high schoolers: An action research initiative implemented with undergraduate students
3:20–3:40 PM
Riccardo Pronzato, University of Bologna, Germany:
For a digital sociology of praxis: Critical pedagogy in the platform society

Policies and guidelines

Track 2 (chair: Gloria Gómez-Diago)
1:45–3:45 PM

1:40–2:00 PM
Lucia Mesquita, Lusofona University, Portugal (et al.):
Comparative public policy analysis of media and information literacy education in Europe
2:05–2:25 PM
Inês Amaral, University of Coimbra, Portugal (et al.):
Disinformation and media literacy: Proposals from journalists in Portugal
2:30–2:50 PM
Aukse Balcytiene & Patricija Lenciauskiene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (et al.):
Enhancing epistemic skills and moral awareness in journalistic decision-making
2:55–3:15 PM
Kiran Kappeler, University of Zurich, Switzerland:
The importance of digital skills in the datafied society: Empirical evidence from a highly connected country
3:20–3:40 PM
Ellen Droog, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands (et al.):
Combatting the misinformation crisis: A systematic review of literature on characteristics and effectiveness of media literacy interventions

Artificial intelligence and AI literacies

Track 3 (chair: Maarit Jaakkola)
1:45–3:45 PM

1:40–2:00 PM
Àlex Valverde Valencia, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain:
From media literacy to AI literacy: A systematic literature review
2:05–2:25 PM
Juliana Reis, Lusofona University, Portugal (et al.):
Young people's algorithm awareness and its impact on everyday internet use
2:30–2:50 PM
Laura Laugwitz, University of Hamburg, Germany (et al.):
Interdisciplinary approaches to digital and data literacy: A case study on teaching news recommender systems
2:55–3:15 PM
Ioli Campos & Sandra Borges Tavares, Catholic University of Portugal:
Chatbot generators and young people's uses through educators' lenses in Portugal
3:20–3:40 PM
Tobias Scherer, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany (et al.):
Being prepared to distinguish fact from fake: The effect of media literacy on detecting deepfakes

Cultural literacies

Track 4 (chair: Inge Beekmans)
1:45–3:45 PM

1:40–2:00 PM
Maryam Folarin, University of New South Wales (UNSW) (et al.):
Cultural safety in public relations
2:05–2:25 PM
Filipe Barrocas Lima, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social & Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal:
Mental health on demand: Comparing post-traumatic stress disorder representations in Netflix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and 13 Reasons Why
2:30–2:50 PM
Ana Filipa Oliveira, Lusofona University, Portugal (et al.):
Minding the gap: Building bridges through intergenerational media and information literacy
2:55–3:15 PM
Jonas Nicolai, KU Leuven, Belgium (et al.):
The rise of humor controversies and the need for critical public humor literacy
3:20–3:40 PM
Mari Pienimäki, Tampere University, Finland:
Calling for higher-level source criticism in media literacy


Common reflections and ways forward

Member profiles

As this is a new TWG, we want to get to know about you and your ongoing research related to media literacies! If you are an ECREA member, please locate yourself on the map and present yourself. Click the map, and it will open in a separate tab. You can add a post by clicking the plus button when at the right location.

Gjord med Padlet


This ECREA post-conference webinar is organized by the temporary working group (TWG) Media Literacies and Communication Competencies (MLCC) by ECREA in collaboration with the North American and European Regional Chapter of the UNESCO MIL Alliance. The conference is open to everyone interested in the most recent research on media and information literacy across Europe. The presenters are members of the ECREA TWG MLCC.


For any questions, please contact the TWG management team: Maarit Jaakkola (, Charmaine Voigt (, Gloria Gómez-Diago (, and the YECREA representative Inge Beekmans (